Conference Publications

  1. Z. Gao, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Stability of Spherical Convolutional Neural Networks to Rotation Diffeomorphisms,” European Signal Processing Conference (to appear). August 23-27 2021. Dublin, Ireland.
  1. T. K. Hu, F. Gama, T. Chen, Z. Wang, A. Ribeiro and B. M. Sadler, ”VGAI: End-to-End Learning of Vision-Based Decentralized Controllers for Robot Swarms,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 4900-4904). June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada.
  1. F. Gama, E. Tolstaya and A. Ribeiro, ”Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Controllers,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 5260-5264). June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada.
  1. Z. Gao, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Wide and Deep Graph Neural Networks with Distributed Online Learning,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 5270-5274). June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada.
  1. S. Pfrommer, A. Ribeiro and F. Gama, ”Discriminability of Single-Layer Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada. (pp. 8508-8512).
  1. A. Parada-Mayorga and A. Ribeiro, ”Stability of Algebraic Neural Networks to Small Perturbations,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada. (pp. 5205-5209).
  1. L. Ruiz, F. Gama, A. Ribeiro and E. Isufi, ”Nonlinear State-Space Generalizations of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada. (pp. 5265-5269).
  1. Z. Wang, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Unsupervised Learning for Asynchronous Resource Allocation In Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada. (pp. 8143-8147).
  1. L. Ruiz, Z. Wang and A. Ribeiro, ”Graphon and Graph Neural Network Stability,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada. (pp. 5255-5259).
  1. Z. Gao, E. Isufi and A. Ribeiro, ”Variance-Constrained Learning for Stochastic Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. June 6-11 2021. Toronto, ON, Canada. (pp. 5245-5249).
  1. Juan Cervino, L. Ruiz and A. Ribeiro, ”Increase and Conquer: Training Graph Neural Networks on Growing Graphs,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. December 6-14 2021. (submitted).
  1. L. Ruiz, L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Graphon Filters: Signal Processing in Very Large Graphs,” European Signal Processing Conference . January 18-21 2021. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  1. D. S. Kalogerias, M. Eisen, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”Almost-Zero Duality Gaps in Model-Free Resource Allocation for Wireless Systems,” European Signal Processing Conference. January 18-21 2021. Amsterdam, Netherlands. (pp. 1727-1731).
  1. A. Parada-Mayorga, L. Ruiz and A. Ribeiro, ”Graphon Pooling in Graph Neural Networks,” European Signal Processing Conference. January 18-21 2021. Amsterdam, Netherlands. (pp. 860-864).
  1. Juan Cervino, J. A. Bazerque, M. Calvo-Fullana and A. Ribeiro, ”Multi-task Supervised Learning via Cross-learning,” European Signal Processing Conference . August 23-27 2021. Dublin, Ireland.
  1. L. Zhou, V. D. Sharma, Q. Li, A. Prorok, A. Ribeiro and V. Kumar, ”Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Multi-Robot Submodular Action Selection,” IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (submitted). November 4-5 2021. Cambridge, UK.
  1. A. Parada-Mayorga, H. Riess, A. Ribeiro and R. Ghrist, ”Quiver Signal Processing (QSP),” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 26-31 2021. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 1-5).
  1. A. Tsiamis, D. S. Kalogerias, L. F. O. Chamon, A. Ribeiro and G. J. Pappas, ”Risk-Constrained Linear-Quadratic Regulators,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 14-18 2020. Jeju Island, South Korea. (pp. 3040-3047).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, A. Amice, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Resilient Control: Compromising to Adapt,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 14-18 2020. Jeju Island, South Korea. (pp. 5703-5710).
  1. V. Lima, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Constrained Resource Allocation Policies in Wireless Control Systems,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 14-18 2020. Jeju Island, South Korea. (pp. 2615-2621).
  1. Z. Wang, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Decentralized Wireless Resource Allocation with Graph Neural Networks,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. November 1-4 2020. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 299-303).
  1. Q. Li, F. Gama, A. Ribeiro and A. Prorok, ”Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Multi-Robot Path Planning,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 25-29 2020. Las Vegas, NV. (pp. 11785-11792).
  1. B. Iancu, L. Ruiz, A. Ribeiro and E. Isufi, ”Graph-Adaptive Activation Functions for Graph Neural Networks,” Machine Learning for Signal Processing Workshop. September 21-24 2020. Espoo, Finland. (pp. 1-6).
  1. M. Jahani, X. He, C. Ma, A. Mokhtari, D. Mudigere, A. Ribeiro and M. Takac, ”Efficient Distributed Hessian Free Algorithm for Large-scale Empirical Risk Minimization via Accumulating Sample Strategy,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. August 26-28 2020. Palermo, Italy. (pp. 2634-2644).
  1. H. Kumar, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Navigation of a Quadratic Potential with Star Obstacles,” American Control Conference. July 1-3 2020. Denver, CO. (pp. 2043-2048).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Counterfactual Programming for Optimal Control,” Learning for Dynamics and Control. June 10-11 2020. Berkeley, CA. (pp. 235-244).
  1. V. Lima, M. Eisen, K. Gatsis and A. Ribeiro, ”Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Wireless Control Systems with Graph Neural Networks ,” IFAC World Congress. July 11-17 2020. Berlin, Germany. (pp. 2634-2641).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Probably Approximately Correct Constrained Learning,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. December 6-14 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 16722-16735).
  1. L. Ruiz, L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Graphon Neural Networks and the Transferability of Graph Neural Networks,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . December 6-12 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  1. M. Eisen, M. M. Rashid, D. Cavalcanti and A. Ribeiro, ”Control-Aware Scheduling for Low Latency Wireless Systems with Deep Learning,” International Conference on Communications. June 7-11 2020. Dublin, Ireland. (pp. 1-7).
  1. M. Eisen, M. M. Rashid, A. Ribeiro and D. Cavalcanti, ”Scheduling Low Latency Traffic for Wireless Control Systems in 5G Networks,” International Conference on Communications. June 7-11 2020. Dublin, Ireland. (pp. 1-6).
  1. Z. Shen, Z. Wang, A. Ribeiro and H. Hassani, ”Sinkhorn Barycenter via Functional Gradient Descent,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. December 6-14 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 1646-1656).
  1. A. Khan, E. Tolstaya, A. Ribeiro and V. Kumar, ”Graph Policy Gradients for Large Scale Robot Control,” Conference on Robot Learning. October 30-November 1 2020. Osaka, Japan. (pp. 823-834).
  1. C. Zhang, A. Khan, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Sufficiently Accurate Model Learning,” International Conference on Robotics and Automation. May 31-June 4 2020. Paris, France. (pp. 10991-10997).
  1. D. Owerko, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Optimal Power Flow Using Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5930-5934).
  1. D. Mox, M. Calvo-Fullana, M. Gerasimenko, J. Fink, V. Kumar and A. Ribeiro, ”Mobile Wireless Network Infrastructure on Demand,” International Conference on Robotics and Automation. May 31-June 4 2020. Paris, France. (pp. 7726-7732).
  1. D. S. Kalogerias, L. F. O. Chamon, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”Better Safe Than Sorry: Risk-Aware Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5480-5484).
  1. D. S. Kalogerias, M. Eisen, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”A Zeroth-Order Learning Algorithm for Ergodic Optimization of Wireless Systems with no Models and no Gradients,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5045-5049).
  1. F. Gama, J. Bruna and A. Ribeiro, ”Stability of Graph Neural Networks to Relative Perturbations,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 9070-9074).
  1. L. Ruiz, L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”The Graphon Fourier Transform,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5660-5664).
  1. L. Ruiz, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Spatial Gating Strategies for Graph Recurrent Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5550-5554).
  1. M. Peifer and A. Ribeiro, ”Federated Classification with Low Complexity Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Representations,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 4187-4191).
  1. M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Transferable Policies for Large Scale Wireless Networks with Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5040-5044).
  1. N. Naderializadeh, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Wireless Power Control via Counterfactual Optimization of Graph Neural Networks,” Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications. May 26-29 2020. Atlanta, GA. (pp. 1-5).
  1. Q. Li, F. Gama, A. Ribeiro and A. Prorok, ”Graph Neural Networks for Decentralized Path Planning,” International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems. May 9-13 2020. Auckland, New Zealand. (pp. 1901-1903).
  1. S. Segarra, T. M. Roddenberry, F. Memoli and A. Ribeiro, ”Metric Representations of Networks: A Uniqueness Result,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5345-5349).
  1. V. Lima, M. Eisen, K. Gatsis and A. Ribeiro, ”Resource Allocation in Wireless Control Systems via Deep Policy Gradient,” Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications. May 26-29 2020. Atlanta, GA. (pp. 1-5).
  1. Z. Gao, E. Isufi and A. Ribeiro, ”Stochastic Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 9080-9084).
  1. Z. Gao, A. Koppel and A. Ribeiro, ”Balancing Rates and Variance via Adaptive Batch-Sizes in First-Order Stochastic Optimization,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 5385-5389).
  1. Z. Shen, Z. Wang, A. Ribeiro and H. Hassani, ”Sinkhorn Natural Gradient for Generative Models,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. December 6-14 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 1646-1656).
  1. M. Calvo-Fullana, D. Mox, A. Pyattaev, J. Fink, V. Kumar and A. Ribeiro, ”ROS-NetSim: A Framework for the Integration of Robotic and Network Simulators,” International Conference on Robotics and Automation . May 30-June 5 2020. Xi’an, China.
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, S. Paternain, M. Calvo-Fullana and A. Ribeiro, ”The Empirical Duality Gap of Constrained Statistical Learning,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 4-8 2020. Barcelona, Spain. (pp. 8374-8378).
  1. Z. Gao, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Resource Allocation via Graph Neural Networks in Free Space Optical Fronthaul Networks,” Global Communications Conference. December 7-11 2020. Taipei, Taiwan. (pp. 1-6).
  1. Z. Gao, A. Koppel and A. Ribeiro, ”Incremental Greedy BFGS: An Incremental Quasi-Newton Method with Explicit Superlinear Rate,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . December 6-12 2020. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  1. F. Gama, J. Bruna and A. Ribeiro, ”Stability of Graph Scattering Transforms,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. December 8-14 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 8038-8048).
  1. H. Kumar, A. Koppel and A. Ribeiro, ”On the Sample Complexity of Actor-Critic for Reinforcement Learning,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . December 8-14 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, A. Amice and A. Ribeiro, ”Matroid-Constrained Approximately Supermodular Optimization for Near-Optimal Actuator Scheduling,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 11-13 2019. Nice, France. (pp. 3391-3398).
  1. S. Paternain, M. Morari and A. Ribeiro, ”Real-Time Model Predictive Control Based on Prediction-Correction Algorithms,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 11-13 2019. Nice, France. (pp. 5285-5291).
  1. S. Paternain, J. A. Bazerque, A. Small and A. Ribeiro, ”Policy Improvement Directions for Reinforcement Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 11-13 2019. Nice, France. (pp. 7454-7461).
  1. S. Paternain, S. Lee, M. M. Zavlanos and A. Ribeiro, ”Constrained Online Learning in Networks with Sublinear Regret and Fit,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 11-13 2019. Nice, France. (pp. 5486-5493).
  1. Z. Gao, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Optimal WDM Power Allocation via Deep Learning for Radio on Free Space Optics Systems,” Global Communications Conference. December 9-13 2019. Waikoloa, HI. (pp. 1-6).
  1. F. Gama, A. G. Marques, G. Leus and A. Ribeiro, ”Convolutional Graph Neural Networks,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. November 3-6 2019. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 452-456).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Gaussian Processes with Bayesian Posterior Optimization,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. November 3-6 2019. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 482-486).
  1. M. Coutino, E. Isufi, F. Gama, A. Ribeiro and G. Leus, ”Design Strategies for Sparse Control of Random Time-Varying Networks,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. November 3-6 2019. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 184-188).
  1. M. Calvo-Fullana, F. Dagefu, B. M. Sadler and A. Ribeiro, ”Multi-mode Autonomous Communication Systems,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. November 3-6 2019. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 1005-1009).
  1. S. Paternain, M. Calvo-Fullana, L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Safe Policies via Primal-Dual Methods,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 11-13 2019. Nice, France. (pp. 6491-6497).
  1. E. Tolstaya, F. Gama, J. Paulos, G. J. Pappas, V. Kumar and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Decentralized Controllers for Robot Swarms with Graph Neural Networks,” Conference on Robot Learning. October 30-November 1 2019. Osaka, Japan. (pp. 671-682).
  1. S. Paternain, L. F. O. Chamon, M. Calvo-Fullana and A. Ribeiro, ”Constrained Reinforcement Learning Has Zero Duality Gap,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. December 8-14 2019. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 7553-7563).
  1. A. KhanV. Kumar and A. Ribeiro, and and , ”Graph Policy Gradients for Large Scale Unlabeled Motion Planning with Constraints,” International Conference on Robotics and Automation (submitted). May 31-June 4 2019. Paris, France.
  1. E. Isufi, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Generalizing Graph Convolutional Neural Networks with Edge-Variant Recursions on Graphs,” European Signal Processing Conference. September 2-6 2019. A Coruña, Spain. (pp. 1-5).
  1. L. Ruiz, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Gated Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks,” European Signal Processing Conference. September 2-6 2019. A Coruña, Spain. (pp. 1-5).
  1. H. Kumar, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Navigation of a Quadratic Potential with Ellipsoidal Obstacles,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 11-13 2019. Nice, France. (pp. 4777-4784).
  1. A. Khan, C. Zhang, S. Li, J. Wu, B. Schlotfeldt, S. Tang, A. Ribeiro, O. Bastani and V. Kumar, ”Learning Safe Unlabeled Multi-Robot Planning with Motion Constraints,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. November 3-8 2019. Macau, China. (pp. 7558-7565).
  1. Juan Cervino, J. A. Bazerque, M. Calvo-Fullana and A. Ribeiro, ”Meta-Learning through Coupled Optimization in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces,” American Control Conference. July 10-12 2019. Philadelphia, PA. (pp. 4840-4846).
  1. M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”Large Scale Wireless Power Allocation with Graph Neural Networks,” Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications. July 2-5 2019. Cannes, France. (pp. 1-5).
  1. S. Paternain, M. Fazlyab, V. Preciado and A. Ribeiro, ”A Prediction-Correction Primal-Dual Algorithm for Distributed Optimization,” American Control Conference. July 10-12 2019. Philadelphia, PA. (pp. 835-841).
  1. T. R. Godbole, M. Calvo-Fullana, A. Pyattaev, D. Mox, Sergey Andreev, A. Ribeiro and M. Valkama, ”Modeling mmWave Channels in High-Fidelity Simulations of Unmanned Aerial Systems,” Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications. July 2-5 2019. Cannes, France. (pp. 1-5).
  1. V. Lima, L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Model Predictive Selection: A Receding Horizon Scheme for Actuator Selection,” American Control Conference. July 10-12 2019. Philadelphia, PA. (pp. 347-353).
  1. F. Gama, A. G. Marques, A. Ribeiro and G. Leus, ”Aggregation Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 12-17 2019. Brighton, United Kingdom. (pp. 4943-4947).
  1. F. Gama, A. Ribeiro and J. Bruna, ”Diffusion Scattering Transforms on Graphs,” International Conference on Learning Representations. May 6-9 2019. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 1-12).
  1. L. Ruiz, F. Gama, A. G. Marques and A. Ribeiro, ”Median Activation Functions for Graph Neural Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 12-17 2019. Brighton, UK. (pp. 7440–7447).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, Y. Eldar and A. Ribeiro, ”Sparse Recovery over Nonlinear Dictionaries,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 12-17 2019. Brighton, United Kingdom. (pp. 4878-4882).
  1. M. Peifer, L. F. O. Chamon, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Sparse Learning of Parsimonious Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Models,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 12-17 2019. Brighton, UK. (pp. 3292-3296).
  1. M. Eisen, C. Zhang, L. F. O. Chamon, D. D. Lee and A. Ribeiro, ”Dual Domain Learning of Optimal Resource Allocations in Wireless Systems,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 12-17 2019. Brighton, United Kingdom. (pp. 4729-4733).
  1. M. Eisen, M. M. Rashid, K. Gatsis, D. Cavalcanti, N. Himayat and A. Ribeiro, ”Control Aware Communication Design for Time Sensitive Wireless Systems,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 12-17 2019. Brighton, United Kingdom. (pp. 4584-4588).
  1. E. Tolstaya, A. Ribeiro, V. Kumar and A. Kapoor, ”Inverse Optimal Planning for Air Traffic Control,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. November 3-8 2019. Macau, China. (pp. 7535-7542).
  1. Z. Shen, H. Hassani, C. Mi, H. Qian and A. Ribeiro, ”Hessian Aided Policy Gradient,” International Conference on Machine Learning. June 10-15 2019. Long Beach, CA. (pp. 5729-5738).
  1. S. Paternain, J. A. Bazerque, A. Small and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Policies for Markov Decision Processes in Continuous Spaces,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 12-17 2018. Miami, FL. (pp. 4751-4758).
  1. S. Paternain, A. Mokhtari and A. Ribeiro, ”A Newton Method for Faster Navigation in Cluttered Environments,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 17-19 2018. Miami, FL. (pp. 4084-4090).
  1. W. Huang, Y. Wang, L. Zhou, E. Zhao, Y. Yuan and A. Ribeiro, ”Modeling Treatment Delays for Patients using Feature Label Pairs in a Time Series,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . December 2-8 2018. Montreal, QC, Canada.
  1. D. Owerko, F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Predicting Power Outages Using Graph Neural Networks,” Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. November 26-29 2018. Anaheim, CA. (pp. 743-747).
  1. F. Gama, A. G. Marques, G. Leus and A. Ribeiro, ”CNN Architectures for Graph Data,” Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. November 26-29 2018. Anaheim, CA. (pp. 723-724).
  1. A. Koppel, S. Paternain, C. Richard and A. Ribeiro, ”Decentralized Online Nonparametric Learning,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. October 28-31 2018. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 2139-2143).
  1. E. Tolstaya, E. Stump, A. Koppel and A. Ribeiro, ”Composable Learning with Sparse Kernel Representations,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 1-5 2018. Madrid, Spain. (pp. 4622-4628).
  1. M. Peifer, L. F. O. Chamon, S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Locally Adaptive Kernel Estimation Using Sparse Functional Programming,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. October 28-31 2018. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 2022-2026).
  1. M. Eisen, C. Zhang, L. F. O. Chamon, D. D. Lee and A. Ribeiro, ”Online Deep Learning in Wireless Communication Systems,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. October 28-31 2018. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 1289-1293).
  1. F. Gama, A. G. Marques, A. Ribeiro and G. Leus, ”MIMO Graph Filters for Convolutional Neural Networks,” Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications. June 25-28 2018. Kalamata, Greece. (pp. 1-5).
  1. F. Gama, G. Leus, A. G. Marques and A. Ribeiro, ”Convolutional Neural Networks via Node-Varying Graph Filters,” Data Science Workshop. June 4-6 2018. Lausanne, Switzerland. (pp. 1-5).
  1. M. Fazlyab, S. Paternain, A. Ribeiro and V. Preciado, ”Distributed Smooth and Strongly Convex Optimization with Inexact Dual Methods,” American Control Conference. June 27-29 2018. Milwaukee, WI. (pp. 3768-3773).
  1. M. Eisen, K. Gatsis, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”Optimization of Switched Linear Systems Over Non-Stationary Wireless Channels,” Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications. June 25-28 2018. Kalamata, Greece. (pp. 1-5).
  1. M. Eisen, K. Gatsis, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning in Non-Stationary Wireless Control Systems via Newton’s Method,” American Control Conference. June 27-29 2018. Milwaukee, WI. (pp. 1410-1417).
  1. S. Paternain, M. Morari and A. Ribeiro, ”A Prediction-Correction Method for Model Predictive Control,” American Control Conference. June 27-29 2018. Milwaukee, WI. (pp. 4189-4194).
  1. A. Koppel, A. Mokhtari and A. Ribeiro, ”Parallel Stochastic Successive Convex Approximation Method for Large-Scale Dictionary Learning,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. April 15-20 2018. Calgary, AB, Canada. (pp. 2771-2775).
  1. A. Koppel, E. Tolstaya, E. Stump and A. Ribeiro, ”Nonparametric Stochastic Compositional Gradient Descent for Q-Learning in Continuous Markov Decision Problems,” American Control Conference. June 27-29 2018. Milwaukee, WI. (pp. 6608-6615).
  1. F. Gama, E. Isufi, G. Leus and A. Ribeiro, ”Control of Graph Signals Over Random Time-Varying Graphs,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. April 15-20 2018. Calgary, AB, Canada. (pp. 4169-4173).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, Y. Eldar and A. Ribeiro, ”Strong Duality of Sparse Functional Optimization,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. April 15-20 2018. Calgary, AB, Canada. (pp. 4739-4743).
  1. M. Eisen, K. Gatsis, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Statistically Accurate Resource Allocations in Non-Stationary Wireless Systems,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. April 15-20 2018. Calgary, AB, Canada. (pp. 3559-3563).
  1. M. Eisen, A. Mokhtari and A. Ribeiro, ”Large Scale Empirical Risk Minimization via Truncated Adaptive Newton Method,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. April 9-11 2018. Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands. (pp. 1447-1455).
  1. W. Huang, A. G. Marques and A. Ribeiro, ”Matrix completion via graph signal processing,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. April 15-20 2018. Calgary, AB, Canada. (pp. 15-20).
  1. W. Huang, T. Bolton, J. Medaglia, D. S. Bassett, A. Ribeiro and D. Van De Ville, ”Graph Signal Processing of Human Brain Imaging Data,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. April 15-20 2018. Calgary, AB, Canada. (pp. 980-984).
  1. A. Khan, V. Kumar and A. Ribeiro, ”Learning Sample-Efficient Target Reaching for Mobile Robots,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. October 1-5 2018. Madrid, Spain. (pp. 3080-3087).
  1. A. Mokhtari and A. Ribeiro, ”First-Order Adaptive Sample Size Methods to Reduce Complexity of Empirical Risk Minimization,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . December 4-9 2017. Long Beach, CA.
  1. L. F. O. Chamon, G. J. Pappas and A. Ribeiro, ”The mean square error in Kalman filtering sensor selection is approximately supermodular,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 12-15 2017. Melbourne, Australia. (pp. 343-350).
  1. S. Paternain and A. Ribeiro, ”Safe online navigation of convex potentials in spaces with convex obstacles,” Conference on Decision and Control. December 12-15 2017. Melbourne, Australia. (pp. 2473-2478).
  1. S. Segarra, A. G. Marques, G. R. Arce and A. Ribeiro, ”Design of weighted median graph filters,” International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing. December 10-13 2017. Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. (pp. 1-5).
  1. A. Koppel, S. Paternain, C. Richard and A. Ribeiro, ”Decentralized efficient nonparametric stochastic optimization,” Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. November 14-16 2017. Montreal, QC, Canada. (pp. 533-537).
  1. F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Distributed estimation of smooth graph power spectral density,” Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. November 14-16 2017. Montreal, QC, Canada. (pp. 643-647).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Approximate Supermodularity Bounds for Experimental Design,” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems . December 4-9 2017. Long Beach, CA.
  1. L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Finite-precision effects on graph filters,” Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing. November 14-16 2017. Montreal, QC, Canada. (pp. 603-607).
  1. M. Fazlyab, A. Ribeiro, M. Morari and V. Preciado, ”A dynamical systems perspective to convergence rate analysis of proximal algorithms,” Allerton Conference on Communications Control and Computing. October 3-6 2017. Monticello, IL. (pp. 354-360).
  1. M. Eisen, A. Mokhtari and A. Ribeiro, ”A primal-dual Quasi-Newton method for consensus optimization,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. October 29-November 1 2017. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 298-302).
  1. W. Huang and A. Ribeiro, ”Partial embedding distance for networks,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. October 29-November 1 2017. Pacific Grove, CA. (pp. 1968-1972).
  1. W. Huang, A. G. Marques and A. Ribeiro, ”Collaborative filtering via graph signal processing,” European Signal Processing Conference. August 28-September 2 2017. Kos, Greece. (pp. 1094-1098).
  1. M. Fazlyab, A. Koppel, V. Preciado and A. Ribeiro, ”A variational approach to dual methods for constrained convex optimization,” American Control Conference. May 24-26 2017. Seattle, WA. (pp. 5269-5275).
  1. M. Calvo-Fullana, C. Anton-Haro, J. Matamoros and A. Ribeiro, ”Random Access Policies for Wireless Networked Control Systems with Energy Harvesting Sensors,” American Control Conference. May 24-26 2017. Seattle, WA. (pp. 3042-3047).
  1. A. Koppel, G. Warnell, E. Stump and A. Ribeiro, ”Parsimonious Online Learning with Kernels via sparse projections in function space,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4671-4675).
  1. A. Mokhtari, M. Eisen and A. Ribeiro, ”An incremental quasi-Newton method with a local superlinear convergence rate,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4039-4043).
  1. A. Mokhtari, M. Gurbuzbalaban and A. Ribeiro, ”A double incremental aggregated gradient method with linear convergence rate for large-scale optimization,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4696-4700).
  1. A. Mokhtari, A. Koppel, G. Scutari and A. Ribeiro, ”Large-scale nonconvex stochastic optimization by Doubly Stochastic Successive Convex approximation,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4701-4705).
  1. F. Gama and A. Ribeiro, ”Weak law of large numbers for stationary graph processes,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4124-4128).
  1. L. Goldsberry, W. Huang, N. Wymbs, S. Grafton, D. S. Bassett and A. Ribeiro, ”Brain signal analytics from graph signal processing perspective,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 851-855).
  1. L. F. O. Chamon and A. Ribeiro, ”Universal bounds for the sampling of graph signals,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 3899-3903).
  1. M. Calvo-Fullana, J. Matamoros, C. Anton-Haro and A. Ribeiro, ”Stochastic Backpressure in Energy Harvesting Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 3724-3728).
  1. S. Segarra, A. G. Marques, G. Leus and A. Ribeiro, ”Stationary graph processes: Parametric power spectral estimation,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4099-4103).
  1. S. Segarra, A. G. Marques, G. Mateos and A. Ribeiro, ”Robust network topology inference,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 6518-6522).
  1. W. Huang and A. Ribeiro, ”Axiomatic hierarchical clustering given intervals of metric distances,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. March 5-9 2017. New Orleans, LA. (pp. 4227-4231).
  1. C. Eksin, P. Molavi, A. Ribeiro and A. Jadbabaie, ”Bayesian Quadratic Network Game Filters,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 26-31 2013. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 4589-4593).
  1. G. Carlsson, F. Memoli, A. Ribeiro and S. Segarra, ”Axiomatic Construction of Hierarchical Clustering in Asymmetric Networks,” International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. May 26-31 2013. Vancouver, BC, Canada. (pp. 5219-5223).